As Within...

Welcome to the World of "AureoriA" - the perfect pure divine sacred spiritual Dream and Creation of Our World as being Heaven on Earth.

"AureoriA" is the ancient sound of Heaven On Earth which births from within your Heart to reverberate throughout your whole being (your Aura) facilitated by The Dance Of Life and its Connection to AureoriA.

This represents the energetic symbol of your 'Aura' created by The Dance Of Life and its Connection to AureoriA. Your emotional, mental and spiritual levels form an energy field around your body known as the 'Aura". It surrounds the body of every living creature and helps to intepret the environment you are interacting with outside of your Self. The Dance connects you with the many levels of your Heart to access the energies of your Soul (Soul Star) and your Earth Spirit (Earth Spirit Energy) through movement, breath work and song to create the Sacred Space within your Aura (As Within) to ground the Divine energies of Heaven here on Earth through The Dance Of Life and Its Connection to AureoriA as shown on the World Map (So Without).

The Mantra

Be Gentle and Playful

Be Humble and Grateful

Spread Love, Joy, Beauty and Peace with Grace

To Experience and to Dance with the Wonder and

the Magic of Life

So Without...

The Great Mystery! It's all around us - it's within us! So much information to choose from, a multitude of choices and decisions to make and so many Paths to take in every moment. You and all that exists are simply energetic vibrations interacting in every moment with your environment through your 'Aura' (Sacred Space) so the energies you hold in your 'Aura' determine who and what experiences you attract as well as the choices you make. The Dance Of Life enables you to hold the energies of AureoriA to bring through your Heaven On Earth which is your Optimal Path for the Highest Good Of All. These beautiful, divine energies within your Aura are linked to this World of Money via your payment and your Heart of Gold is birthed with 10% of your payment being donated to a Charity.

This begins your journey of being guided by your passionate, instinctual Heart to help your Self and other human beings both energetically and financially by aligning your Being with the flow of the Great Mystery to co-create joyfully and in harmony in every moment the When (Perfect Divine Timing) and the How (Perfect Divine Path) of manifesting your own Heaven On Earth.

The Manifestation will be the healing for your Self to achieve Optimal Health, working with your Soul's Purpose to Optimise Relationships to live the integrity of your full human potential and to establish with wealth your own unique Optimal Path to connect with your Perfect Pure Divine Sacred Spiritual Other of the opposite sex to create your own Heaven On Earth here in this World for your Highest Good and for the Highest Good of All Humankind (So Without).

Your Aura

** Dance and movement actualise energy to create changes in consciousness, while focused movement aligns the hemispheres of the brain stimulating the intuitive faculty and creating electrical changes in the Body and the Mind. Combined with creative imagination it opens the ability to touch all Worlds, placing the Dancer at the gateway of all the dimensions. **

As we are interacting in every moment with our environment through our Aura (Sacred Space), the more pure and aligned with the True Essence of The Great Mystery (AureoriA) we are, the better our own Symphony will flow and sound when embraced by the Orchestra of Life.

Your own Symphony is created at birth - you are a Universe unto yourself due to the time, date, place and planetary alignments (Astrological Birth Chart) as well as encompassing the energies of your past lives, your Mother, your Father, your Ancestors, Creatures, the Elements, Stardust - basically everything in creation! I believe there are 13 major chakras or energy vortexes within our Being that relate to these Astrological Signs with different assiciated Planets to help create the Optimal Life Path of Heaven On Earth (Music of the Heavens). The Dance Of Life connects you with these energies so that you can work with and integrate them into your own unique Symphony.

Once you begin your journey of connecting with the divine energies of AureoriA through The Dance Of Life, you will be able to access the Absolute Sacred Truth as to who you are, the Tools to achieve Optimal Health and to ground your Soul's Purpose with the Power, Love, Humility and Grace to be guided by your passionate, instinctual Heart to Dance your own journey along your Optimal Life Path.

Know that with access to this amazing knowledge and wisdom comes great power and responsibility, so you must always honour with humble gratitude this precious gift and do no intentional conscious harm. Be aware that there are consequences (karma). No-one is greater nor lessor than yourself - each person has a part to play in the Orchestra of Life and you have the Free Will to co-create your Life utilising positive energies and balancing your Feminine (left)/Masculine (right) energy within.

As you venture out into the World, you must be open and surrender to the Great Mystery to co-create joyfully in every moment and deal with whatever and whoever comes into your Life in a loving, peaceful and respectful Way. Above all, each step along your journey in the World must "feel" right before it is taken.

This experience will enable you to Be at One with the Natural Flow of the Great Mystery and have the Trust, the Faith, the Belief and the Grace showing you the Way of the Absolute Sacred Truth for your Perfect, Pure Divine Sacred Spiritual Life.

It epitomises the birth of the New Sun/Soul/Human holding the balanced energies of the Feminine and the Masculine as One Within laying down a Golden Path for the Highest Good of All. You will "see", "feel" and "know" your unique divinity by surrounding yourself with the Planets perfectly positioned and pulsing in Perfect Divine Timing as the Perfect Pure Divine Sacred Spiritual Being holding the energies of Heaven On Earth radiating out into the World all the most beautiful, positive energies.

The foundation of this New World is based on the Sacred Law of Truth and Attraction, so this New You (Sun/Soul/Human) will no longer continue to repeat the same circular patterns of past life times but instead will journey within the spiral to achieve optimal health and monetary wealth (symbolised by the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow). This will allow you the freedom to "Be" and follow the joy of your Sacred Instinctual Heart to create Beauty in your Life and this World we all live in, as well as attracting and sharing your Life with your Perfect Pure Divine Sacred Spiritual Other of the opposite sex (the Holy Grail) - thereby creating the energy of Absolute Sacred Eternal Love.

As you take your Steps in The Dance Of Life, your own unique beautiful Symphony will be in tune with the Orchestra of Life playing the evolution and positive movement forward of Humankind. Your Senses will show you our World Dancing with Change for the Better before your very eyes with the Manifestation of Heaven On Earth.

“AureoriA” – The beautiful Dream Catcher that embraces the Dream of the Mass Consciousness to co-create Heaven on Earth. The Music of its Heart-Beat allows the Universe and its Planets to Dance and Flow with new Divine Connections (Music of the Heavens) played by the pure Notes of the Elements along the Bars of Consciousness to the Song of Mother Earth with humble gratitude, respect and love (information & images included with each video).

Science tells us that we and everything that exists are simply energy composed of varying degrees of light and density.

We are all connected and in my humble opinion, the Planetary Dance being performed within the Pure Light of the Sun (Solar) and the Pure Love of the Moon (Lunar) upon the gravitational dance floor of our Planet (Mother Earth) influences us all energetically through the Music of the Heavens and the Notes of the Elements along the Bars of Consciousness accompanied by the Song of Mother Earth.

The body of Mother Earth and your body are made up of the Five Elements – Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether (Spirit) – STARDUST – found throughout the Universe/The All That Is.

These Planetary Bodies with special connections involved in this Magical Dance are helping us through the electro-magnetic energies of Mother Earth and her pure Elements. To change, to heal and to evolve by creating the positive movement forward of Humankind to embody all of the positive, loving, caring energies of the Orchestra of the Divine (The Music of the Heavens) :-

SUN in Scorpio – Base Chakra / Reproductive Organs - I Desire at a Soul Level, combined with a powerful tone that loves to create and the energy that heals emotional turmoil, the balancing of the passions through transformation. Death of old ways and rebirth into a new vibration. The birth from the ashes will occur without any attachments to the past, no revenge - just a clean slate and a new birth into knowing what joy really is.

MOON in Sagittarius – Thighs - I Seek on an Emotional Level a quest for knowledge and universal inspiration with the energy that breaks up old stagnant patterns of behaviour to make space for the new as I am the facilitator of change. Home is where the heart is, not the head, as "True Intelligence is the capacity of the Mind to Honour the Wisdom of the Heart and its connection to the Divine".

MERCURY in Capricorn – Knees - I Use on a Mental Level the energy to manifest easily in this reality and be successful through my cosmic understanding of life. To play and be happy by balancing my spiritual and physical needs.

VENUS in Aquarius – Shins/Calves - I Know on a Relationship Level of the energy of Perfect Pure Divine Sacred Spiritual Love which encompasses Self-Love, Unconditional Love, Soul Mate Love and the highest form of Love between a Man and a Woman (the energy of the Unicorn) riding on a healing energy of intuitiveness and feelings based on Unity. Bringing in peace and harmony with gentleness and respect. Knowing the Miracle of Water (70% of our Body and of Mother Earth) as the energy to heal and allow us to dance to its higher vibration and tune.

EARTH in Pisces – Feet - I Believe in Mother Earth and her Nature Devas, Crystals, Fairies and Elementals with their beautiful positive, bright energy (the Notes of the Elements) from whom I can learn to combine power with humility and enjoy being alive. Connect with the purity of the Elements, bless and release all fear in order to be the innocence and vulnerability of a Child balanced with the responsibility of an Adult.

MARS in Aries – Head - I am Initiating Growth and Individual Development through having telepathic connection with higher knowledge and having the courage to experience new things in my life. Actually manifesting my visions and dreams. This is done with the help of the Gold Sphere representing the Divine Projective Solar Energy of the Gods (thy God Self) and as siuch is linked to the Fire Element. It is aligned with the Sun and is associated with Power, Healing, Wisdom, Money, Wealth, Success, Freedom and Long Life. It has magical properties encompassing increased personal power enabling one to master alchemy.

ASTERIOD BELT in Taurus – Neck/Throat - I have Great Power and Mystery as I have broken the veils and can see into other Worlds due to the purity of my Soul (it must weigh no more than a white feather). Access to magic and the unknown allows me to be with the Gods and the Goddesses and bring into this reality energies to create abundance and Heaven on Earth.

JUPITER in Gemini – Arms - I Think of Truth (Divine Truth) as the golden silvery white spiral of creation that holds reality in place in the form of pure crystal energy which creates wealth and success based on reality not illusion. Money is the energy of this reality so it is connected to the Path of the Heart - the Golden Path - for the Highest Good of All. I need to have courage to stand in my own truth against others while maintaining respect and equality for all. This is done with the help of the Pearl Sphere representing the Divine Receptive Lunar (Universal) Energy of the Goddesses (thy Goddess Self) and as such is linked to the Water Element. It is aligned with the Moon and is associated with Love, Money, Wealth, Protection, Good Luck, Freedom and Good Fortune. Mystically, a Pearl symbolises all that is feminine, creative and nurturing with ancient properties to lengthen life, promote fertility, drive off demons, preserve health, instil courage and lend physical strength. It is the Centre of Creation and the Universe.

SATURN in Cancer – Thymus - I Feel Linked to Everything in Creation via this energetic grid system of the "Love/Trust Vibration" promoting wisdom, peace and the Oneness. Be guided by feelings not rules or judgement when linking with another and the World.

URANUS in Leo – Heart - I Create Beauty in my Life, my Space, my Home, my Environment, my Universe and the World through high ideals of love, peace and honouring myself by allowing my life to be easy. Being fully present in the Now and possessing an abundance of money to manifest my dreams and create my future.

NEPTUNE in Virgo – Solar Plexus - I Serve with the New High Vibrational Energy that transforms the Earth. Clearing out old energy patterns (last shedding of tears) of the past and taking control of my body and my life in order to achieve the purity of the Self to access the Void/Source and see the bigger picture of love, compassion and humour with balance. Reach Heaven and bring it here.  

PLUTO in Libra – Womb/Intestines/Reproductive System - I Relate with Feeling and Instinct adding to the continuity of the wisdom of the Whole. Balancing and integrating equally the Feminine (Lunar/Universal) and the Masculiine (Solar) to "Be" a fully enlightened Divine Human Being. I am guided by my Senses (creativity/right side of the brain) and use my Mind (left side of the brain) for information and explanation. Total self acceptance as the loving, nurturing human being I truly am, manifesting my Purpose/Dream to its completion with the Silver Shield of Protection of the Solar System. Steel determination and protection initiated from the Back/Spine and radiated throughout my Whole Being. I possess altered lMagnetics to access frequencies beyond our Solar System. Holding the energy of Perfect Pure Divine Sacred Spiritual Love and being in alignment with the Great Mystery/AllThat Is/the Great One/the Great Creator and the Divine Will, I bring the Perfect Pure Divine Sacred Spiritual Light throughout my Whole Being to be One.

CHIRON - Aura – the Planet of Healing through Change and Movement as we and all that exists are simply energetic vibrations composed of Sound (Feminine) and Colour (Masculine) in varying degrees of density that is constantly changing. We are interacting with our environment in every moment and can link to any energy or state of consciousness within our Sacred Space depending on the purity of our Soul and our level of awareness based on how grounded we are in this reality. This Planet enables the process of evolution to exist and allows for the Oneness (Female and Male Balanced As One Within) to radiate out and connect with everything in creation.

HEAVEN and Earth as One – Perfection – By all of our Senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch/feeling, taste and intuition/instinct) we will know that our World has changed for the Better with the manifestation of Heaven on Earth.

The Dance of Life and its Connection to AureoriA embraces all these beautiful, divine energies allowing you to immerse them within your Aura (diagram above) and your Body (noted above) - being different densities of energy - through dance, movement, breath and sound. This enables you to bring through your complete True Essence to create your own unique Optimal Path to bring through your Heaven on Earth.



  • unlock your inner self

    Connect your 'Aura' with the beautiful Energies of the Divine through Dance and Meditation.

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