About Me

- The Self -

I was born on 10 August, 1958 (Leo) in Innisfail, North Queensland, Australia and had a wonderful childhood in a small country town where everyone knew everyone and they all looked after each other’s children. My primary school education was at the East Innisfail State School which had this magnificent, ancient raintree (10 metres tall) in the school grounds which we all played around every day and then from Year 8 I went to boarding school in Brisbane, Queensland at St Margarets School, Ascot - a religious all girls Anglican School run by nuns. For my Year 8 through to half of Year 10 secondary education I stayed in the boarding school there then became a day girl living with my two sisters in a Unit in Clayfield until Year 12 when we moved with my brother to a house in Taringa until I finished my final Year at Secondary School. I have always been a mature, independent person so was trusted by my parents who allowed me to drive across the City of Brisbane to School at 17 years of age once I had my driver’s licence. I was blessed to excel at all sports there and had friends but tended to live to the beat of my own drum - acknowledged by my father in a speech he gave once.

I attended the University of Queensland to further my education obtaining a Bachelor of Commerce Degree. I was never interested in overindulging in alcohol, taking drugs or partying that much during my Uni years but I did enjoy myself at the many University Balls and parties but not to the extent of many others. Perhaps the sudden death of my brother in 1976 during my first year there contributed to this as that was the catalyst for my journey into how IT being life all works.  

With his passing I felt unbelievable sadness but I also felt that there must be more to life and wanted to know what IT is all about. I read books about people who had had near death experiences which intrigued me and lead to books on energy, reiki, meditation, reflexology, Angel readings and experiencing a lot of “alternative” therapies.

I have been told that I have very good gut instincts/intuition about people and life which I have always been conscious of and trusted. At times I have felt different from other people and at times been a loner, but I have always been comfortable in my own company. However I also do enjoy the company of others and know that everyone has a part to play in the Orchestra of Life.

There have been other poignant experiences in my life such as driving down a mountain with a group of friends during my University years and unexpectedly losing control of the steering wheel going around a corner and suddenly having an energy force taking control of the wheel and protecting me/us from crashing over the edge. I do feel blessed and have always felt there is a greater energy force out there all around us that connects us all and it can also protect each of us.

I have been fortunate in my World being expanded by many overseas trips - to South-East Asia in 1976, my University Graduation gift to Club Med in Tahiti, a European Trip (3 months) with my parents where I realised the power and majesty of Nature while standing on a glacier in Norway and trips to Hawaii, west coast of the US and Canada when managing the family Travel business in Brisbane.

In 1985 I married Steven (Leo) and we have two amazing children Stefanie (Scorpio) and Christopher (Scorpio) – after many years of marriage we amicably divorced. During their early years I continued my interest in experiencing new things and had many “healing” sessions by Alexis, Lucy and Betty-Anne as well as a hypnotherapy session involving seeing myself on an spacecraft which surprised the facilitator as he said that it normally takes years to master what he called “remote viewing”. 

So I read books and delved into 'sensory remote viewing' experiencing many levels of consciousness and seeing/feeling consciously distant energies, people and places.

Working with these different energies through Heart and Soul Travelling I felt the different levels of Love so was guided to read books on the Fairy Realms, Unicorns and surreal mystical places. I wanted to connect with my Perfect Pure Divine Sacred Spiritual Other on the deepest level of Love (Unicorn energy) – the Holy Grail. 

To further my journey with experiencing energies, in 1998 I went to Arizona, USA on an “Adventure in Consciousness” Tour as my 40th Birthday gift and my World was blown open with so many unique experiences in Sedona, Arizona with its various electro-magnetic vortexes, spiritual people and the Native American culture. Amazing experiences including discovering my Sacred Place within through a Meditation, a Sweat Lodge where I spoke of the Oneness, a Medicine Wheel where I had a vision quest and saw a spacecraft flying overhead, the drawing of my magnificent Earth Spirit (Neminine) Portrait by Celeste (photo included) and my Soul Journey with Clay to deeper levels of my Heart involving the Tree of Life and our Third Eye Chakras coming together. Also during a walk out in the wilderness with others, I connected with my Earth Spirit energy when my feet were held by the earth and I could not move them for a few minutes as the connection took place.

I returned to Australia obsessed by the experience so my journey into energy, spirituality and how IT all works continued through learning and experiencing aromatherapy, crystals, meditation (sitting, laying and walking), Buddhism, Christianity & prayer, the Kabbalah, Native American Culture & Animal Medicines, the Ancient Mayans, Angels, the Faerie Realms, Elemental Kingdoms and being guided to have more healings.  I set up my own Sacred Space in a room at our family home in Pullenvale to connect with, work with and bring through all these beautiful energies. A bespoke Didgeridoo with both a male and a female drawn on it was made for me by Michael (an Aborigine) and I bought a Rain Stick on one of my many trips to Uluru - the Heart of Australia.

I have experienced a powerful, physic energy attack which I was guided to neutralise by using all of the elements on their business card. I have been gifted to see what I believe to be an Angel in a light body (my brother) and a beautiful Fairy hovering near my face when I woke up at the inbetween time of asleep and awake - I could not move at all, only see her. Mesmerising! I felt so Blessed by this Gift! (google Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and watch the movie Believe: A FairyTale - A True Story)

I returned often over the years to Arizona to work with the energies there – having my Soul Star (Dreaming White Feather) mask made (photo included) and always feeling protected as confirmed when I went in search of a remote power place near Jerome in the Mingus Mountains in Springtime but my rental car got stuck so I had to walk out through the wilderness back to the main road. The tow truck driver later told me I was lucky that I was not attacked by a hungry bear waking up after hibernation.   

I have been inspired to create a Talisman of the energies of Heaven On Earth (with a pure white feather tied to it with horse hair) made by John, a Brisbane Jeweller, who was helped by many others both in Australia and in the USA (photo included).

I have helped to facilitate a Group Soul Healing Ceremony and had Divine Healings by Betty-Anne in the Blue Mountains, done Ceremony around Sedona in Arizona and performed a Sacred Ceremony atop the Ancient Goddess, Uluru - the Heart of Australia – with my friend, Fay.

Know that there is always more to learn and through humility both knowledge and wisdom are attained from the Self and others.

All these wonderful experiences, knowledge, wisdom, healings, meditations, trips, revelations, inspirations and Ceremonies over some 30 years have culminated in the creation of The Dance Of Life and AureoriA for the Highest Good of All Humankind.

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