My Earth Spirit

~ Neminine ~

My beautiful Earth Spirit Energy!

“True Intelligence is the Capacity of the Mind to Honour the Wisdom of the Heart and Its Connection to the Divine” – a Feeling Truth and Belief of Mine told to me by my friend, Denise.

The energy of  Spirit is Perfect Pure Divine Sacred Spiritual Love which encompasses all the Kingdoms
of the Divine including the Great Planetary Spirits, the Angelic Realms, Nature Spirits and Elementals, Gods and Goddesses.

I align it with the energy of the Unicorn – a mythical, dynamic symbol of magic, healing, enchantment and power.  

Many gifts, blessings and wonders are shared with many secrets and sacred confidences entrusted to those who open their Hearts to the Unicorn:

.   understanding the language of animals;

.   renewed innocence and wonder;

.   ability to recognise deception;

.   healing in many forms;

.   knowledge of the mysteries of plants/herbs/trees;

.   heightened sexuality both physically and spiritual;

.   increased productivity in personal endeavours;

.   new levels of love and devotion;

.   intimate contact with beings of the Faerie Realm;

.   understanding of both physical and spiritual alchemy;

.   ability to read signs and omens in Nature;

.   heightened sensitivity;

.   strengthened clairvoyance;

.   sense of nobility as an individual;

.   increased serenity in daily life;

.   increased spiritual illumination;

.   discovery of the reality of dreams;

.   increased awareness of the sacred within life;

.   mystery of astral flight and levitation;

.   renewed joy and hope.

In a World filled with adversity the Soul of the Unicorn symbolises all that is pure, gentle and loyal.   She travels to all corners of the Earth, with blankets of flowers springing up wherever she treads.   She helps those who are sick in body or mind with a touch of her healing horn.   She weaves a special magic to influence our hearts to do good, and to give us the desire to help others, and fill us with joy at the beauty of our planet.

During my “Adventure in Consciousness” Tour to Sedona, Arizona in 1998, I met a lovely lady named Celeste who drew my Soul/Spirit Portrait for me (my Earth Spirit Energy).   It is a beautiful woman with long flowing blonde hair atop a Unicorn of blue light surrounded by the white, yellow, orange and red colours of purity, will and creation – Neminine - The Goddess of Sacred Eternal Love.

In Native American Culture, the Medicine of the Horse is Power – both physical and unearthly power enabling One to fly through the air and reach heaven.

It represents a balanced medicine shield, wisdom in power and knowledge through humility.     Know that no abuse of Power will ever lead to Wisdom.


She is the Giver of Life through Love

She is the Nurturer, the Mother who Cares for us All

And her Love expands to all Living Things.

Her Life Force comes from the Sun

Her Mystique from the Moon

And her Fertility from the Earth.

One and All Beings breathe the Air

And the Air we Share has been There

Since the Beginning.

The Interconnection stirs an Ancient Awakening within our Hearts.

 I believe that we as human beings can co-create the World of Spirit (Heaven) here with the energy of Perfect Pure Divine Sacred Spiritual Love existing between the Male and the Female within our Self and outside our Self with our Perfect Other of the opposite sex to totally come together as One.

I have accessed the Kingdoms of the Divine through dreams, meditations, soul/heart travelling and many other levels of consciousness to bring these energies through into this reality. To ground them here I have physically visited numerous powerful, sacred places including Sedona and Uluru to do Ceremony.   Always with the Love and Belief in my Dream of Manifesting Heaven On Earth and my Will to make it happen in Perfect Divine Timing along my Perfect Pure Divine Sacred Spiritual Path in alignment with the Great Mystery.

To achieve this I have consciously connected with numerous energies both physically and spiritually, seen and been on alien spacecrafts, in a crystal cave in the core of the Earth, travelled to the edge of our existence, into the Void, seen an Angel (Light Body) and been blessed with the most surreal experience of seeing a Fairy (google Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and watch the movie "Believe FairyTale:A True Story)

I have felt, experienced and carried my Dream of this New World for Humankind – nurtured and protected it with the help of many others both here and in Spirit -  to birth it in this Sacred Space of our World - in Perfect Divine Timing.

It is now time for the Dream of a New World to radiate out to those who wish to exist within it through connecting with their Inner Self and know that as you manifest your own Dream of Heaven On Earth (AureoriA) here through The Dance Of Life, you will be truly co-creating with the Great Mystery for the Highest Good Of All Humankind.






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