My soul star

~ Dreaming White Feather ~

My beautiful Soul Star!

According to Ancient Egyptian Lore the weight of a Soul is measured by a white feather and if the Soul weighs no more than a white feather then the Soul can walk among the Gods and Goddesses.

A white feather also represents the Rainbow of Peace – all colours of the rainbow and all pathways are honoured as One.    In allowing all pathways to have equal validity, you see the power and glory of the “Unified Family of Humanity”.   The “I” has no place in this Whirling Rainbow of Peace that comes from the Great Mystery and is replaced by the Universal “We”.

On my third trip to Sedona, Arizona I was guided to visit Liz, a Maskmaker, who took an imprint of my face and created then named my “Dreaming White Feather”  Soul Star Energy.   This exquisite creation took many months to manifest into a truly magnificent energy of quartz crystals, tree branch, pyrite fossil, mabe pearl, fluorite, silver pheasant, white peacock and emu feathers with a skin of pure 22K yellow gold and white gold leaf – it just blew me away when I first laid eyes on it.

 Interestingly, after its arrival in Brisbane, Australia it was to journey to Sydney for purification and grounding through irradiation (by Customs) so that upon its return the clear quartz crystals had become smoky quartz (energy of grounding).

So I worked with and integrated these energies into my Sacred Space and have since added a Herkimer Diamond, a piece of quartz with a feather encased in it, an Eagle feather, a white Australian Cockatoo feather and a clear quartz crystal within a gold Unicorn head.

To the Australian Aborigine the Dreamtime is a significant aspect of their Culture and Story Telling, while to the Native American Indian both Dreamcatchers and feathers are prominent in their Traditions.   Over the years I have been gifted a variety of different feathers by the All That Is (Great Spirit and Great Mystery) and feel both humbled and blessed when they appear along my Path.

To attain the purity of the Soul to enable me to bring through the energies of AureoriA (Heaven On Earth), my journey has been to experience the Mayan Solar Glyphs (Steps of the Soul) and Tones of Creation transforming my Soul out of the ashes to soar with Love and Freedom.   The Gift of honouring and being guided by my Heart is truly both humbling and freeing as I Know the uniqueness of where I came from (Love), the Truth of who I Am (All life times) and the True Intelligence of creating a Future for the Highest Good of All.    The total integration of the Past, Present and Future to complete the Soul as One.

On this level of complete awareness of the Soul – Unconditional Love for the Self combined with Soul Mate Love is the energy here so you must have it for all females which represent the Feminine side of the Self (left) and all males which represent the Masculine side of the Self (right).   If this is not the case, a past life issue will be involved which means you are living in the past so go into the “feeling”, find its source, integrate it with Love and return to the moment (Present).      Every person is your Soul Mate.

We are All Connected at this level so the energies you have with you at any moment in time are reflected back to you – as within, so without.  Like attracts like.   Know this to be the Truth and accept Responsibility for it by going within your Sacred Space, asking and listening with all your Senses for the next Step.   Then honour yourself by actually DOING whatever is to be done.   However it must “feel” right and if it does not then go deeper until you reach the Core Truth of the matter.    All the elements/senses must be balanced and in harmony before any action is taken.  If no action is taken and needs to be taken, eventually you will be forced to act due to the turmoil within and once this is done - Peace again will reign both within and outside your Self.



Believe in the Fairies

Who make Dreams Come True.

Believe in the Wonder

The Stars and the Moon.

Believe in the Magic

From Fairies Above.

They Dance on the Flowers

And Sing Songs of Love.

And if You Just Believe

And Always Stay True.

The Fairies will Be There

To Watch Over You.


Always keep the Child within you alive.    Find Joy and Wonder in the little things of Life.   

Always follow your Dreams – Your Excitement.   


Be free in your thinking and creativity

Be open to new ideas and possibilities

Be loving and kind with others

Be generous with your money

Be responsible for your Self

Be true to your Heart!



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