• Quiet the mind and the Heart will speak

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    The Dance Of Life connects you (The Self) with the many levels of your beautiful Heart to access the energies of your Soul (Soul Star) and your Spirit (Earth Spirit) through movement, breath work and song. Embrace your Sacred Space (Aura) with the Divine Energies of Heaven On Earth (the Music of the Heavens) to ground them here in our World as shown by the balanced World Map overlayed with the 'AureoriA' symbol.


    You will possess the Absolute Sacred Truth as to who you are, the Tools to achieve Optimal Health and to ground your Soul's Purpose (The Holy Grail) and the Power, Humility and Grace to Be guided by your beautiful Heart to Dance your own Journey along your Optimal Path for the Highest Good of All Humankind.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to create Heaven On Earth here in this World we all live in through The Dance Of Life and Its Connection with the Divine Energies of AureoriA. As all that exists is simply energy in varying degrees of light and density, we are all connected so under the Divine Sacred Law of the Power of One - The Self (Present), Soul Star (Past) and Earth Spirit Energy (Future) - you have the capacity to impact your environment both Within (Aura) and Without (the World) to facilitate the Positive Movement Forward for the Evolution of All Humankind.

This New World is based on the Sacred Law of Truth and Attraction, so the New You (Sun/Soul/Human) will no longer repeat the same circular patterns of past life times but instead will journey within the spiral of your 'Aura' to access all of the Divine Sacred Energies to achieve optimal health and monetary wealth (the pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow). This will allow you the freedom to "Be" and follow the joy of your Heart of Gold to create Beauty in your Life and this World, as well as attracting and sharing your Life with your Perfect, Pure Divine Sacred Spiritual Other of the opposite sex (the Holy Grail) - thereby creating the energy of Absolute Sacred Eternal Love and Everlasting Peace.

About Me

'The dance of life' video 1

This video teaches you the Steps of The Dance Of Life performed to the Music of the Heavens accompanied by the Song of Mother Earth played to the Notes of the Elements along the Bars of Consciousness (Preparation Information included).

The Dance connects your own unique energies (The Self) held within your ‘Aura’ with the energies of the Divine to enable you to access your Whole Being (encompassing your Soul Star and your Earth Spirit Energy) to walk your Optimal Life Path and co-create in alignment with the Flow of the Great Mystery your own Heaven On Earth here in this World for the Highest Good of All.

(Also at least 10% of your payment is donated to a Charity on your behalf as your gift from your Heart of Gold).


Find your inner energy

I have been inspired to create this magnificent Talisman of the energies of Heaven On Earth with the metal symbols, the white feather tied with horse hair and the five crystal geometric shapes of the Elements representing the Music of the Heavens along with the God Sphere (Male) of Gold mirrored by the Goddess Sphere (Female) of Pearl. The white feather is pointing to the Earth as a symbol of peace and of the Soul being pure as it weighs no more than a white feather. Horse hair is the Medicine of Power. You will connect with these beautiful, pure divine energies deep within your 'Aura' to Be at One and integrate them with your own unique Being through The Dance Of Life and its Connection to AureoriA.

learn more


* Everything is connected. We are all connected. Mother Earth - Mothers - we need to respect, love, listen to, treat with care and revere for the survival of humanity.

* The Power of Words - according to Dr Masaru Emoto "Words are the vibration of nature. Therefore, beautiful words create beautiful nature. Ugly words create ugly nature. This is the root of the Universe". His research proved that human consciousness and sound have an effect on the molecular structure of Water. The majority of our body is made up of Water - 80% at birth / 70% as an adult.

* Fairies do exist! Check out Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (creator of the ledgendary detective Sherlock Holmes) and his affirmation of their existence. Watch the beautiful movie "FairyTale: A True Story" (1997) about the Cottingley fairies.

* We are made of the elements of Stardust - Earth, Fire, Water, Air (Spirit). Each of us have an Earth Elemental (gnome, dryad), a Fire Elemental (salamander), a Water Elemental (undine) and an Air Elemental (sylph) assigned to us for life to help us with our health and well-being with regards to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual Self.